MOM SERVICES is the nominated nationwide contractor for various Loss Adjusters and assessors and represent at least twelve different insurance companies in Ireland.
MOM SERVICES carries out a wide variety of work for the manage repair network (MRN). The MRN system requires the highest standard. Mom Services contacts the client within fifteen minutes and arrange to meet client, compile damage report, take photographs and send in an estimate for these works. When the estimate is approved, MOM Services complete the works and take photographs of completed works and also get the client to sign a satisfaction note, to make sure they are happy with all works carried out. All work is carried out to the highest standards, guaranteed & insured.

MOM SERVICES offers a one-stop solution to providing cleaning, maintenance, landscaping, building and renovation services. Utilising our unique blend of skills and experience across both the building and cleaning services industries, MOM Services provide a tailorable range of service packages.
Estimates from MOM Services are free and we will also offer design suggestions. MOM Services can review your property and/or architects drawings. Our estimates are itemised in detail, allowing you to add or subtract items and streamline costs.